Thursday, October 13, 2011

You Could be a Criminal Before You Even Commit a Crime!

DHS is developing an application that will detect criminals BEFORE they commit a crime.  The application is designed to detect clues ranging from  breathing and heart rate to body heat changes and fluctuation in speech rhythm and intonation.   These factors tied into your profession, gender, race and so on they say can determine whether you are likely to commit a crime.

Yes, as crazy as it sounds this may be coming an airport near you!  One potential use of this technology are airport screenings as well as checkpoints at border crossings and large venues.  What if it detects you or I as a criminal when we most certainly are not one, nor are planning on committing a crime in the future.  How would you go about arguing that?  I know I would be more than upset if I went to the airport and was not allowed on a flight because the machine set off one of the alarms when I know it is false.  If you were wrongly accused, would this affect your credit or security clearance? 

I really don't know how you can predict someone is a criminal but I find it hard to believe a machine is able.  But I have been wrong in the past!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if people that are afraid of flying will pop a positive on the criminality scale!
